Environmental Policy

The highest goal of Agromaks LTD. is to provide products and services in sorting, division, cooling, freezing and storage of animal category 3 animal by-products and storage of food products of plant and animal origin, guaranteeing quality safety, meeting the requirements and expectations of customers, legal and other requirements, stakeholder requirements, which result from the Context of the Organization and the requirements of environmental protection standards.
The highest management and employees of the company make every effort to improve the environmental performance of the organization through the rational use of resources and minimizing the negative impact on the environment resulting from the operations of Agromaks LTD. To achieve this, our company's environmental protection strategy is based on the Environmental Management System implemented according to the ISO 14001: 2015 standard.
We set ourselves the following goals and accepted commitments to:
- conduct in accordance with the Environmental Protection law and other environmental regulations applicable to the company's activities and in accordance with the expectations and requirements of the Parties concerned.
- rational use and saving of energy, fuels and water.
- reducing the risk of environmental failures (such as: fire, ammonia leak, etc.).
- encouraging suppliers and subcontractors to become aware of their environmental responsibility, implement their own repair programs and apply a sustainable development policy.
- limiting the potential negative impact on the natural environment by reducing the use of resources, limiting emissions to the air and conducting rational waste management in all areas of activity through their proper segregation, recycling or utilization.
- constant tracking and assessment of the impact on the environment and developing improvement plans and providing funds for their implementation.
- cooperation with company's stakeholders.
The implementation of policy and objectives is carried out through:
- commitment of the highest management in activities for the development of the company that is in compliance with environmental protection principles.
- raising the knowledge of its employees by informing about the company's policy regarding the protection of the environment, environmental aspects and relevant training programs.
- improvement of procedures and the use of security devices and systems aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment.
- shaping positive relationships with the environment by informing its clients, suppliers and other parties interested in implementing environmental policy.
- setting environmental goals and planning our tasks based on significant environmental aspects.
- cooperation with the local community and authorities in the field of environmental protection issues.
- correct identification of environmental aspects, taking into account the product / service life cycle in order to correctly determine their environmental impact.
- effective risk / chance management by identifying, analyzing and monitoring emerging threats / capabilities in terms of preventing undesirable or using desired effects.
The highest Company Management Agromaks Ltd. is committed to securing resources and optimal conditions ensuring the implementation of adopted, implemented and maintained environmental policy and objectives and ensures that it is publicly available, communicated and understood to the Company's employees, all working for the company and all interested parties.
Mizerka, January 2019
President of the Board
Arkadiusz Wilanowski
Vice President of the Board
Jarosław Aubrecht Prądzyński